Astron Informatics Ltd. has been conducting its entire business from a home office

Following the epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19, and in view of the declared crisies situation due to the spread of the coronavirus, Astron Informatics Ltd. as a responsible employer, decided to order full home office work from March 23, 2020 for an indefinite period,.

“When ordering home office work, our primary consideration was to preserve the health of our employees. We also pay increased attention to the physical and mental health of our employees while working from home, as for example, we have made it possible to use ergonomic office chairs at home, and we provide psychological services free of charge with the involvement of our health care partner. Depending on the evolution of the epidemic situation, we will make a considered decision on the return to normal office work, in accordance with the relevant provisions. ” – said dr. Attila Kovács, Managing Director of Astron Informatics Ltd.

We also face challenges with this new way of working process, but thanks to the infrastructural developments of the previous period, we are able to continue our projects flawlessly under the changed conditions. Our business outlook for 2020 is good, and our contract portfolio is significant in this changed business environment as well. We can serve our customers at the usual high level even in an unexpected crisis situation. ” – added dr. Attila Kovács.