Comgame576 Kft.
576 KByte App mobilalkalmazás fejlesztése Android platformon
Dunamenti Erőmű Zrt.
Portfólió Menedzsment Adminisztrációs és Elszámolási Rendszer (POMADE)
E.ON Dél-dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt.
Üzemirányítási Dokumentációs és Információs Rendszer (ÜIR) Kapcsolási és feszültségmentesítési utasítás (KFMU) kezelő rendszer Hálózati igénybejelentő rendszer (HLIB) E.ON SCADA Archiváló (ESA) Hálózatszámítási funkciók fejlesztése Toleráns Védelmi Kiértékelő Rendszer ZEUS EMS/SCADA rendszer paraméterezés, adatbetöltés
E.ON Dél-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt.
Üzemirányítási Dokumentációs és Információs Rendszer (ÜIR)
E.ON SCADA Archiváló (ESA)
E.ON Energiakereskedelmi Kft.
E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt.
E.ON Földgáz Storage Zrt.
E.ON Földgáz Trade Zrt.
E.ON Hungária Zrt.
E.ON Közép-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt.
E.ON Tiszántúli Áramhálózati Zrt.
EDF Dél-magyarországi Áramhálózati Zrt.
ELMŰ Hálózati Kft.
ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Kft.
Európai Únió FP7 Keretprogram, VIKING projekt
Magyar Földgáztároló Zrt.
Magyar Villamosenergia-ipari Átviteli Rendszerirányító Zrt.
MiRO Mineraloelraffinerie Oberrhein GmbH
MOL Nyrt.
MVM NET Távközlési Szolgáltató Zrt.
MVM Zrt.
Országos Villamostávvezeték Zrt.
Paksi Atomerőmű Zrt.
PROLAN Irányítástechnikai Zrt.
Siemens AG Infrastructures&Cities Rail Automation
Siemens I&S Wien
Siemens Industry Mobility RA France
Siemens Industry Mobility RA France
Siemens Industry Mobility RA France
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Industry Mobility Rail Automation Ltd.
Siemens Singapore Ltd.
Siemens TS USA
Telenor Magyarország Zrt.
Vértesi Erőmű Zrt.
- Budapest Electricity Supply Company
- Operational Information System (ÜzIR)
- Switching Instruction Manager (KFMU)
- Network Outage Management System (HLIB)
- Developing EMS/SCADA Intelligent Alarm Processing function
- Developing EMS/SCADA Short Term Load Forecasting function
- Parameterising EMS/SCADA Dispatcher Training Simulator
- Developing data converter for Metering Center
- Software support services (ÜzIR, KFMU, HLIB)
- Comgame576 Kft.
- 576 KByte mobile app development on Android platform
- Dunamenti Power Plant Ltd.
- Portfolio Management System (POMADE)
- E.ON Central-Transdanubian Gas Supply Company
- Operational Documentation and Information System (ÜIR)
- SCADA Archiving System (ESA)
- Gas data collector and supplier system (iGAS)
- Software support services (ÜIR, iGAS)
- E.ON East-Hungarian Electricity Supply Company
- Operational Documentation and Information System (ÜIR)
- Switching Instruction Manager (KFMU)
- Network Outage Management System (HLIB)
- SCADA Archiving System (ESA)
- Developing EMS/SCADA Network Applications
- Developing EMS/SCADA Tolerant Event Recognition function
- Engineering EMS/SCADA functions
- Installation of the Network Training Simulator
- Feeder Group Display Drawer
- Software support services (ÜIR)
- E.ON Energy Trade Ltd.
- Gas nomination and capacity declaration software system (WebNom)
- Gas logistics supporting system (GasLog)
- GasProcurement supporting system (GasProc)
- E.ON Hungária Ltd.
- Gas Nomination and Data Acquisition System (iGAS)
- REMIT data supply sytem (RC)
- E.ON North-Transdanubian Electricity Supply Company
- Operational Documentation and Information System (ÜIR)
- Switching Instruction Manager (KFMU)
- Network Outage Management System (HLIB)
- SCADA Archiving System (ESA)
- Developing EMS/SCADA Network Applications
- Developing EMS/SCADA Tolerant Event Recognition function
- Engineering EMS/SCADA functions
- Installation of the Network Training Simulator
- Feeder Group Display Drawer
- Software operation support (ÜIR)
- E.ON South-Transdanubian Electricity Supply Company
- Operational Documentation and Information System (ÜIR)
- Switching Instruction Manager (KFMU)
- Network Outage Management System (HLIB)
- SCADA Archiving System (ESA)
- Developing EMS/SCADA Network Applications
- Developing EMS/SCADA Tolerant Event Recognition function
- Engineering EMS/SCADA functions
- Installation of the Network Training Simulator
- Feeder Group Display Drawer
- Software operation support (ÜIR)
- E.ON South-Transdanubian Gas Supply Company
- Operational Documentation and Information System (ÜIR)
- SCADA Archiving System (ESA)
- Gas data collector and supplier system (iGAS)
- Software support services (ÜIR, iGAS)
- EU FP7 Frame Programme
- Cyber security research project for EMS/SCADA applications (VIKING)
- Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.
- Erste Queuing mobile application development and UX/UI design
- Development of SideBar common library and UX/UI design for Erste mobile applications
- AppCenter server development
- Push notification server development
- Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority
- Datahouse and reporting system (PJR)
- Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd.
- Gas Reporting System (GRS)
- Storage management and commercial system (SMCS)
- Operation of core business supporting systems (CBA support)
- Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd.
- Reporting Data Repository (RDR)
- RDR Capacity Management (KapMen)
- Gas Market Data Integration Platform (ODS)
- Modem Handling and Messaging System (MoRze)
- Gas Nomination System (WebNom)
- Pricing, Administrating and Contracting Intelligence (PS-PACI)
- Software support services (RDR, ODS, MoRze, KapMen, WebNom)
- Hungarian Power Companies Ltd.
- Substation Tolerant Protection Event Recognition System
- Substation Alert State Recognition System
- Switching Sequence Generating and Executing System
- Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd.
- Cross-border Capacity Auctioning System (KAPAR)
- Transaction Scheduling System (MEK)
- Balance Circle System for Renewable Generation (KAM)
- Power Plant Resource Planning System (FOTEL)
- Operative Transaction Scheduling System (OMEK)
- Network Outage Management System (HLIB)
- Data Integration System (ODS)
- Commercial and System Operational Datawarehouse
- Data Publication System (PBL)
- Application Database (AppDB)
- Digital Dispatcher Logging System (DDN)
- Dispatcher Visualisation Expert System (DMEX)
- Staff Remote Alarming System (ÜGYR)
- Voltage-VAR Database and Statistical System (UQ)
- Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd.
- Database for Protection Operations (VédStat)
- Data Warehouse BI Reports
- SOA architecture with introducing OSB integration platform
- Limit Values Source Manager (LVSdb)
- Developing EMS/SCADA Automatic Generation Control functions
- Developing EMS/SCADA Contingency Analysis function
- Developing EMS/SCADA Outage Scheduling function
- Developing EMS/SCADA Tolerant Event Recognition function
- Training Simulator for Transmission Network Operators (NTS)
- Support of EMS/SCADA Dispatcher Training Simulatorv
- Realising Unified Training Simulator System
- EMS/SCADA engineering
- RTU-SCADA interface requrements study
- MVM NET Ltd.
- Endpoint Data Administration System
- MiRO Mineraloelraffinerie Oberrhein GmbH
- Tanker truck loading system
- MOL Hungary Plc.
- Gas Market IT Platform(GIP)
- Software support services (GIP support)
- National Power Line Company Ltd.
- Preventive Lightning Protection System interface
- Maintenance and Diagnostic Data Management System (KarMen)
- Medium voltage industrial network control system design
- North Hungarian Electricity Supply Company
- Operational Information System (ÜzIR)
- Switching Instruction Handler (KFMU)
- Network Outage Management System (HLIB)
- Software support services (ÜzIR, KFMU, HLIB)
- Plovdiv-Svilengrad rail line, realisation of training simulator for tracking power dispachers
- Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd.
- Substation Training Simulator
- Black-start and Household Network Training Simulator
- Pixrating Ltd.
- Pixrating mobile application development
- Siemens AG Mobility
- Porting Oslo-Drammen graphical displays
- Bangkok MRTA Line 1 train supervision system development
- Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link train supervision system development
- BHP Billiton Australia – BahnSim training simulator development and engineering
- BHP Billiton Australia – ROS/TIMS Logistical Data Warehouse
- Delhi Airport Rail Link train supervision system development
- ESKO BahnSim training simulator development and engineeringv
- JJ – Line Metro ATS train supervision system development
- KCRC Hong Kong Training Simulator for railway auxiliary systems
- LAUBAG train supervision system upgrade
- Metro Chennai train supervision system development
- Metro Gurgaon Cyber City train supervision system development
- Metro Kaohsiung BahnSim training simulator development and engineering
- Metro Shenzen BahnSim training simulator development and engineering
- Metro Shenzen L2 train supervision system development
- Metro Shenzen L4 train supervision system development
- Mumbai Metro Line 2 train supervision system development
- Nanjing Line 1 BahnSim training simulator development and engineering
- Nürnberg U1 train supervision system upgrade
- RUBIN BahnSim training simulator development and engineering
- Stockholm Metro 1 train supervision system development
- Siemens AG Österreich Digital Factory
- New York City Transportation Public Address and Customer Information System
- Siemens AS France Mobility
- Metro Sao Paolo Line 4 train supervision system development
- Budapest BKV M2 metro train supervision system development, comissioning
- Budapest BKV M4 metro train supervision system development, comissioning
- Siemens Ltd. Singapore Mobility
- Taiwan Power Company EMS/SCADA developments
- Siemens Industry, Inc. USA Mobility
- Canadian National Train Monitoring and Tracking system development
- Telenor Hungary Ltd.
- Web-service based Pannon Futár (WSPF)
- Support and develoment of Genie Messaging Platform
- Developing oAuth system
- On-line cashier machine interfacing
- Developing Go Portal System
- Developing NetSMS system
- iNODE SNOB interface development
- Radius (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) developments
- Developing Travel SMS system
- MyTelenor mobile application development and UX/UI design
- Vértes Power Plant Ltd.
- Developing Generation Control System