We finished a successful digitalization project for the Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd.

One of our strategic clients, Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. (MFGT), set out to digitalize the management of work permits. The project also concerns the SMCS system (Storage Management and Commercial System), the IT system that controls the day-to-day operation of the four underground storage facilities, which has been developed by Astron for 10 years.

MFGT has hundreds of subcontractors nationwide, whose employees perform maintenance and other shorter, usually a few days’ work for the Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. For example, welding, maintenance of pipelines, but also painting or mowing the lawn. There are extremely strict rules for working on MFGT property, everyone must have different credentials, certificates and permits.

Astron’s task was to make this process more efficient and digitalize the process in the SMCS system. The developments were successfully carried out, and other new digitalization ideas also came up. We look forward to future developments!