A new mobile app introduced at a sports competition of the electric power industry

The electric power industry can certainly be considered one of the most athletic professions in Hungary. The industry is known for organizing several sport events every year: 3000 people compete in 13 different sports for the 66th time this year. VOTT, an orientation competition for nature lovers is known as one of the most popular events. This year, Astron Informatics Ltd. developed a new app for VOTT participants. 

65 years ago, people working at power stations and power suppliers invited their colleagues from all over the country sharing their enthusiasm for sports in order to get to know each other better, to build new relationships and to spend their free time doing something they all enjoy. This resulted in a 65 year old tradition which brings together thousands of people each year. The sport events are organized by Vitsport Foundation, and one can find tennis tournaments, soccer matches and even ski events in the calendar.

One of the most iconic events is the so called VOTT, an orientation competition for nature lovers held this year in the city of Veszprém. The event lasted three days and attracted more than 500 participants from all over the country, most of who had been training for months before the competition.

One of the interesting things this year was the introduction of the new VOTT app. Participants were able to browse the competition results and the schedule on their mobile phones. They were able to select what they wanted to participate in, and the app reminded them a couple of minutes before the scheduled start of the program so no one missed anything. People could rate the event and upload photos as well, so organizers were able to share a selected group of photos with all the participants afterwards. The app also helped people get to know the city of Veszprém and a built in navigation system provided useful information on how to arrive to the venue. The app was developed by Astron Informatics Ltd., which was also a gold level sponsor of the event.

’The communication with the participants was definitely more intense, the event basically came to life from this perspective. I hope that the app can help the future organizers of Vitsports events. After professional evaluations, we have several ideas on how to further customize the app.’ said Zoltán Albert, VOTT’s main organizer.