This is the title of the scientific article composed by Astron professionals – Dr. Attila Kovács and Róbert Gaál – in the recent issue of Elektrotechnika. The journal of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association has been published since 1908, and is the most prestigious publication of the local electric power industry.
By spreading the renewable distributed energy resources (DERs) the operation of distribution networks during outages must be re-considered. Actual network operation regulations do not support the utilization of autonomous capabilities of microgrids and DERs under disturbances, as in the case of voltage problems and short circuits of MV lines distributed generation units must be swithed off until the clearing of the fault. Thus, supplying local consumers during outages of the distribution network by islanding is not possible. However, by maintaining the service in a part of the MV/LV network critical consumers should not be interrupted, and SAIDI indices also could be decreased.
Actual paper describes simulation studies investigating differenct operational modes, including islanding in a large scale Network Training Simulator (NTS), modelling a MV network with connected microgrids, storage units and renwable generating units.
The full article can be read in the issue of 2019/7-8 of Elektrotechnika or can be downloaded here.