Control systems and simulation of electrical distribution networks

This was the title of the professional event organized by Astron Informatics Ltd. and the Energy Informatics Section of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association; and was held on 16th November 2017. This half-day conference of electrical industry specialist was an event of great interest as more than 70 participants took part in Hotel Flamenco.

The event was opened by Dr. Miklós Danyek, on behalf of the Energy Informatics Section of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association. Dr. Péter Grabner, Vice President responsible for energy, from the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority has started the series of professional presentations with the title of „Classification of disturbances in extreme weather conditions”. It was followed by János Csatár power systems specialist of Astron, who talked about the consequences of distributed generation to network operation and control.

Finally, specialists from E.ON closed the professional discussion with their presentations regarding actual technical subjects. Zoltán Albert analysed the low-voltage network control systems  while Endre Beda shared the end-user experiences of network training simulator. The conference was closed with the conclusion of Dr. Attila Kovács, CEO of Astron Informatics Ltd.

Presentations (in Hungarian) can be downloaded here.

’We are very pleased to be the host of a professinal event again arranged together with the Energy Informatics Section of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association. As one of the key IT experts in the area of electricity industry, we consider it very important to create such high quality professional events time-to-time in co-operation with the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association.’ – said  Dr. Attila Kovács, CEO of Astron Informatics Ltd.