Astron sponsored E-Banking Summit & Expo

E-Banking Summit & Expo, the most powerful financial and IT conference in Hungary was held on May 30, 2017. This event is an important meeting point of senior managers dealing with digital trends, developing financial technology systems as well as bank and insurance company executives responsible for e-channels. More than 300 attendees were listening to plenary sessions, roundtable discussions and workshops built around the main topic of “Digital transformation of banking”

This year Ákos Kelemen, Business Development Director of Astron Informatics Ltd. was also among the presenters of the conference. At the “Client focus” roundtable discussion he has unveiled QSaver a mobile application developed by Astron, that shortens the queing time and makes it more effective prior to banking. He gave a full-house presentation of “The Connection Between Digital Aborigins and Branches – Mobility in Client Service” followed by the showcase of QSaver together with Onlinet in the exhibition area.

The official mobile application of the conference has also been delivered also by Astron. Eventsbox is a mobile app that opens up a new and innovative communication channel between the organizers and the participants of an event. All information related to a certain event can be found in one place, in the application. Thanks to its interactive features, it’s much more than a brochure. The app became an integrated part of the event with its voting and instant analytics feature.

“We are pleased to be not only a sponsor but an active part of the most prestigious financial-informatics conference in Hungary with our edgy mobile applications Eventsbox and QSaver.” –  said Ákos Kelemen.