Since its establishment for 120 years, the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association has been working to raise the standard and improve the efficiency of reliable electricity supply and use, while committing itself to continuous renewal and development.
“Everything that is protection and network control technology” – this was the motto of the Protection and Network Control Technology Online Forum held November 17-19, 2020. by the Hungarian Electrical Engineering Association.
The professional presentations of the three-day online Forum, despite the changed circumstances, offered actual topics to interested participants. Among others, participants could follow the presentation of dr. Attila Kovács, Managing Director of Astron Informatikai Kft. with the title of „Novel concepts and methods in SCADA testing with use of the simulator.” on 17th November.
The full online presentation can be downloaded and viewed in mp4 format here or downloaded in pdf.
“We are honored to keep pace with the latest efforts of the long-established Hungarian Electrotechnical Association, and to support effective professional communication between the players of the electricity industry with our presentation on the easily accessible #MEEnet digital interface.” – said dr. Attila Kovács, Managing Director of Astron Informatikai Kft.