Astron Informatics Ltd. to become a Silver Grade Patronate Member of HETA

The aim of the Hungarian Enregy Traders’ Association is to provide advocacy of electricity and gas trading companies in Hungary, to foster development of electricity and natural gas trading, and support the evolvement of a transparent and efficient market of electricity and natural gas in line with the EU legislation.

Patronate member status of the Association can be possessed by a business organization that supports the activities of Association members with its products and services. Also adheres to the purposes of HETA, acknowledges its Charter, and enters the Association as a member with committing to the fulfillment of patronate member contribution.

It is a great honor for us to be a member of this prosperous Association with a long, now 15 years history. We are delighted that the Presidential Board of the Hungarian Energy Traders’ Association unanimously supported our membership claim.” – said Zoltán Jacsó, Director of the Energy Applications Business Unit at Astron Informatics Ltd.