Winter Utility Allowance

„The year 2022 brought several uncertainties to our lives. In addition to the slowly disappearing COVID epidemic, the war situation, the related energy crisis and its consequences gave and continue to give cause for concern.

Of course, the economic crisis affects not only companies and employees, but at the same time, just like other employers, Astron is not able to avoid all the negative effects. But just as we have tried to support our employees and their families in the past (continuous expansion of benefits, epidemic management, introduction of home office, health insurance, etc.), in addition to maintaining our functionality, we also want to mitigate the consequences of the crisis affecting everyone..

In the spirit of this, we have decided to provide a Winter Overhead Allowance for a specific period (November 2022 – February 2023) for all our employees.” – stated Dr. Attila Kovács managing director.