SMCS XL: Extra Large bang

With years of systematic work, Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. eliminates the heterogeneity of its energy IT systems used since the ”E.ON times”, in cooperation with their IT strategy partner Astron Informatics  Ltd.

A new milestone was reached in the IT system of the daily basis gas sales which brought many new functions to the natural gas storage specialists and the customers of the MVM Group company.

The technical details of the development have been published in the MVM Innovator magazine. The full article is available in Hungarian and can be downloaded here.

“We are proud to be the IT strategic partner of the Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd., and being part of the development of their day-to-day operative gas sales and central operational and customer relationship support system which benefits are already demonstrable for The Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd.” – said Zoltán Jacsó Director of the Energy Applications Division of Astron Informatics Ltd.