Let the sun shine! – Network examination of the connection of solar power plants

Solar power plants are multiplying like mushrooms, from small power plants of household size to large photovoltaic producers connected to the transmission network, their share in the installed production capacity of the Hungarian electricity system is increasing sharply.

An important condition for connecting a large solar power plant with a power exceeding 50 MW to the grid is the examination of network effects using load-flow calculations. We received an order for such a task from ECOTECH Zrt.

The calculations of the three planned solar power plants were successfully completed in June, and the work is expected to continue with the analysis of the solar panels of other potential investors. Some of the calculations require special software tools (network calculation system with a national network database), a special license (from MAVIR Zrt.), and electrical engineers who understand network analysis.

Our company is among the few domestic entrepreneurs who have all of this.