The paper “Simulation of Islanding in Distribution Networks” published in 7-8/2019 of journal Elektrotechnika was awarded by a Nivó-prize of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association. Authors of the paper are our colleagues, Róbert Gaál deputy division manager and dr. Attila Kovács managing director of Astron. Handover of the prestigious award would take place at the 96th Meeting of the Delegates, but regarding the epidemiological situation, similarly to other social events it could happen only virtually.
“It was really challenging to study the network outages between operational situations changed dramatically due to the spreading of distributed generation. Doing so, the distribution network simulation environment developed by Astron was inevitable, as well. It was our pleasure, that the power system engineering profession also appreciated the results we achieved and published – said dr. Attila Kovács, the managing director of Astron.
The mentioned paper is available in full lenght in Hungarian but with an English summary at Astron’s homesite here.