Last December, true to our traditions, we once again organized an end of the year party: this time, we chose Hard Rock Café as a venue, and threw a rock themed party. We also presented two of our colleagues with the A10 awards to say thank you for their work in the past 10 years.

True to a real rock party, we had a concert, karaoke and a rock quiz besides presenting the A10 awards. ‘The A10 award, established in 2011, is to honor our colleagues who have completed 10 years at our company. We traditionally present it at our Christmas party to celebrate their decade of hard work.’ – said dr. Attila Kovács, CEO of Astron Informatics Ltd.

‘Since 2011, 16 of our colleagues have received the A10 award. We are proud that our employee turnover is relatively low: compared to the 17% industrial average, we only registered a 13% turnover in 2015.’ – added Gábor Finder, HR expert at Astron Informatics Ltd.